Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Egypt Update – Mubarak Supporters Are Bad Losers

I knew it was too good to be true.  The Egyptian people had a peaceful revolt going but the dictator and his supporters could not let the happen.  They could not win back the hearts of the people with a self-serving speech so now they have to crush them. This afternoon Mubarak supporters entered Tahrir square and started to attack people including women and children. I’m sure that will make them think the oppression in their country is much better than be free. Not!  People who think they have the most to lose when a repressive regime ends are always the most dangerous. The people will not be crushed. They want Freedom!

There are several reasons why I think the privileged classes in any country act like ass-holes. The first reason is that they think if they give egalitarianism a try, the poor will treat them as badly as they have been treated. I do not think that is true. Most people just the opportunity to live a decent life, support their families and enjoy their lives.

The second reason is that they believe the “little people” don’t deserve anything. If they did deserve something, they would have worked as hard as the rich to get what they have. The rich always believe that they are working harder than anyone else. The Privileged class really believes that they are inherently better than the lower classes and that if you are poor it’s because you are dumb and lazy.  In reality a majority of people of privilege were born that way. Not much work involved in being born.

The third reason is simply that many people in the privileged classes prefer authoritarian dictatorships. This allows them to treat the unworthy like they should be treated:  like dogs or slaves.

The final reason is most people are not very imaginative and they can’t image a world where all people are treated fairly and all people have the same opportunity to succeed. Or maybe they can image it and it scares them. I think they should be scared. 2011 is a year of change. More change is coming…Please stand-by.

Power to the People,

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