Monday, April 11, 2011

Call to Action: Time to Wake Up! May 1, 2011

I have not posted anything for a while although I have written lots of things; because I have been re-evaluating what I believe is effective communication and what I want to achieve with my writing. I have read a lot and looked at comments that people make to articles on the internet.  There is a definite trend and it’s not a good trend. People in the USA are extremely entrenched in their positions and no amount of facts, information or reasoned argument can sway them.  Many people don’t care if what they believe is wrong or even that they have no knowledge about subjects upon which they pontificate. I have no idea how to help people see anything that they don’t want to see. We are near a point where we may not recover and that scares me.

And it just goes on and on and on….

Are we so stupid? Why must we divide ourselves in to groups and work against our own interests?  Our government is being used against us to create wealth for people who are already wealthy. So just for the record, that’s probably not you; no matter how much money you make or how much your house is worth you’re probably not rich. If you have to get up and work for a living and/or your primary source of income is a paycheck, you are not rich. People need to really grasp this concept.  The working class is everyone who works for a living, not just some person who works at a factory or Wal-Mart. Even if you own a business, unless it is making $50 million a year, you are not rich. Many people are obsessed with limiting the freedom of others and spend all their time arguing about things like gay marriage, abortion, illegal immigrants, and mosques near “ground zero” or questioning the citizenship of the President. These are non-issues, they are distracters meant to keep us at each others’ throats and distracted from really important issues.  

An average person in the United States does not have the same interests as the US government. Your strategic interests are food, clothing, shelter, your retirement, your health, your family. The interests of banks and corporations are not your interests, even if you work for them. None of them “need” to be saved; if the service they provide is valued then another business will pop up in their place to provide that service. If you buy into the nonsense that your interests are the same as the governments, banks, corporations, or political parties you are a fool.  The Tea Party is a good example of these false beliefs and fools.  They wanted to take back their country from a black man and give it back to their white overlords because that is more comfortable. We are all used to being oppressed the rich white people, so it just feels better to them. The Tea Party seems to have been partially successful but this will not solve anything.  They are making it worse. I will not bore you with an accurate definition of Fascism because you will believe what you want; Google the word if you care. We are headed full speed to finalizing our status as a Fascist state.

As the invisible hand of the market pushes the wealth to ever higher spheres of a smaller portion of the population and pushes the rest of us to the ground and gives us an unrequested prostate exam, hand them the K-Y and take comfort in your beliefs. If you just let Corporations be free to make money, everything will be okay.  Just close your eyes and pretend your back in the good old days of the 19th century.  The time when men were self-made, children and women worked in sweatshops, brown people knew their place, old people died in the streets and only the rich had medical care. Maybe then, people will see what is really going on.

"It's called The American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it." -- George Carlin

Or if you are tired of getting screwed, then stand up for yourself. I am calling for a 50 state "Chop from the Top"protest in every state capital on Sunday, 1 May 2011. Forget going to Washington D.C., just jump in your car or on a bus, train, or plane and go to your state capital. Our nation is for the people and by the people. Corporations are not people. If they do not see us, they will ignore us! No more tax breaks for the rich! No Austerity for the rest of us! WE NEED TO STAND TOGETHER AND FIGHT! The people united can never be defeated.

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No Justice, No Peace!