Thursday, September 13, 2012

Let God Handle His Business

It has always seem odd to me that people who allege to believe in "god" and all the religious prophecies never trust their gods enough to let god handle his business. If god has a problem with how you dress or what you're doing or who your having sex with he should be capable of punishing the sinner himself. If god wants to return to earth in a blaze of apocalyptic vengeance than he should be capable to return at the time of this choosing without help from his believers. If a fiery hell awaits unrepentant sinners then that should be enough punishment for anyone who sins. We need not help god by punishing sinners for him, god should not need anyones help.

There are people all over the world who want to the world to end and for god to return, punish all the sinners and make the earth into a paradise.  I think they, just like me and most everyone else, want to live in a better world and have chosen religion as the method to get this accomplished. They know the world sucks and think the only thing that can solve our problems is god. Thanks to a lot of propaganda about the "end times" these people think there is no other way to make the world a better place. These dangerous people want to start WWIII, foment chaos and incite general violence. They believe god, aka the voices in their head, is speaking to them because they are special and he needs their help. My question always for anyone who thinks god is telling them something, other than I love you, is why would god need your help? Why can't god do things for himself? God is alleged to have created the universe, the earth and all of us but he needs you to kill someone or fight a war or blow up a building. Why? Either god is omnipotent and can know and do all things or god is not so great and you probably don't need to worship a substandard being.

I know this sounds harsh but it really is just that simple. Why would an omnipotent being need your help? Why would you think that you could set up the conditions to bring on Armageddon and thus control the plans of an omnipotent being? There are probably many answers to these questions but here are my answers:

  1. All those extremists believe they can manipulate god because god is really stupid and gullible. 
  2. People who say they believe in god don't really have as much faith in god as they say they do. 
  3. People that say they believe in god don't really believe there is a god and religions are just a farcical control mechanism.

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your Kingdom come, 
your will be done, 
on earth as in heaven
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us. 
Lead us not into temptation, 
but deliver us from evil. 
For the kingdom, 
the power and the glory are yours. 
Now and for ever.

This little prayer tells you all you need to know. You can't make god do anything that he does not want to do, no matter how much you pray or faithful you believe you are. People of faith: You cannot make god do what you want with prayer. God is not a cash machine, or your personal avenger, or validate all the weird, dangerous or ridiculous thoughts you have. Such a powerful being would not need your help to achieve his goals. You're not that special, sorry.

I do not know whether there is a god or not but what I am fairly certain of is if there was a god, it is nothing like what human written religious texts tell us god is like. Why would a being who continues to expand the universe care what you are doing? Or care about who you are having sex with? Or care about who is the president of the United States of America? 

If there is a god, it could not be anything like what people of any or all faiths might imagine. Human created religion is based on what some groups of humans thought at sometime in history. Religion is a control mechanism. Religious texts are not science books because they don't actually explain how the universe was created; they just state that it was created. Religious texts are not history books because they are not first or second hand accounts of events; most religious texts were written years after the events took place, were translated multiple times and revised many times over the centuries. Religious texts are not moral guides because many immoral acts take place in all religious texts; morality changes with the times and is very relative to the times and circumstances. 

What we knew then versus what we know now are light-years apart. We cannot keep using ancient texts and prophecies as a guide for our current and future situations. We cannot wait for god to return and fix our problems. We have the power to solve our own problems and live together in a relatively peaceful, just and healthy world. We just need to evaluate the issues and use our brain power to solve them. People have been waiting for god to return for millennia and they are still waiting. Why not quit waiting by the phone for god to call and do something to solve the worlds problems, live in peace with one another and stop condemning each other because we are not all the same. And if the gods return, maybe they will be happy with us and won't have to destroy us all.

Ciao for now,

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