Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Betrayer of Hope and Change

I’m back. I had a few problems of my own and did not feel like writing.

Let me start with saying I voted for the Green Party Candidate, Cynthia McKinney for President in 2008. I did not vote of Clinton or Obama in the 2008 primaries; I voted for Dennis Kucinich. I voted my beliefs not for the favored Democrats. I could not vote for Hilary Clinton because she voted for the Patriot Act and the Iraq war. I did not vote for Barrack Obama because I thought he was too conservative and seemed to be too in love with expanding the war in Afghanistan. I wanted policies that would change the country and the world.  I wanted policies that would help people and improve the overall condition of America.  Ms. McKinney only got .12% of the vote but I felt I did the right thing with my vote.  Now I am so glad I did not vote for Barrack Obama.  He was never going to be the savior of the universe that many people thought he was going to be. He was always more conservative than the people who voted for him but who would have thought he would be a total sell-out. I am so angry at President Obama and this is the last straw for me: Tax cuts for the rich and dumb compromises with Republicans.  There are many selfish and self-serving people in the USA and they are called Republicans. From 2001-2008 we have experience the full range of their selfishness, through taxes, laws, policies and lack of regulation. People voted for change and they got a man who just wants to get along with people who hate him. People voted for someone they thought would stand up for them. People voted for someone who would work to fix the problems that are crushing us. People thought they voted for a man with a spine. But instead they got a weak willed, go along to get along, fraidy-cat; Afraid of everything except the people who voted for him. Obama has thrown the people who voted for him under the bus. Obama cares about the tea-party opinions more than his supporters.  He compromises away all the progressive ideals and even dares to get mad at us for not appreciating his compromises. Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan should be “trust me, the check’s in the mail”.

Despite the fact that I did not vote for him, I was still proud that a black man was elected president. I hoped it would work out. Now I doubt that we will ever have another black man as a president for another century because this one is just so messed up.  Compromise is great when you have reasonable parties but when you compromise with people who have crazy destructive ideas, it makes you look crazy or stupid or both.  I still think President Bush is an idiot and the worst President in history but he never betrayed his base.  Obama could have done better but he did not try. This compromise is a compromise of what’s worst; we can cut your hand off or we could cut off your foot. Neither option is good, both will hurt in the short-term and both will suck in the long run. Don’t let the media convince you this compromise is a good idea, it’s not. The other issue of extending unemployment benefits should not be tied, in any way, to tax breaks. It is mixing apples and oranges. If Republicans don’t want to extend unemployment benefits, they should have to pay the price because all the millions of unemployed are not just people on the left.  Unemployment affects all states, political affiliations and classes. I hate the fact that normal people’s lives are just pawns in the games of the rich and powerful. Are we still in the middle ages? No we are not and no we don’t want to go back to being serfs. What is the point of having a democracy if your voice does not count?  

 Will we stand up for ourselves? Or will we lie down and get kicked in the head? It is up to you. Write, call, twitter or comment on Facebook to the president, your representatives and your senators and tell them not to pass this compromise deal. Just say no to tax breaks for the rich! 

House of Representatives:
Ciao for now,