Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Toss Salad and Scrambled Eggs 2012

I have had trouble writing about the 2012 election for months. I have started and stopped writing numerous blogs because my feelings about this years’ election have been fairly negative. There is no way I can express my sadness about the state of America, its people, its politics and the wasted potential of my nation. For most of my life, Americans have made the wrong choices about their leaders. I continue to be appalled by the level of racism in America, in fact until the past 4 years I mistakenly thought racism was at a low level. I was wrong; I believe there is more overt racism now than ever in my whole life and I was born in 1965. The whole Romney campaign is based on the fact that Mittens is white, nothing else.

I hate what we've become. We are no longer people, we are interest groups competing for resources. We have no national goals or direction. We are driven by gadgets, trends and media. We don't know history, civics, math or science; we can't even use the English language properly. We've become ignorant, selfish and vane. The worst of all human traits is now embodied in the so called “American Spirit”.

President Obama represents all of America; he is all of us. He is black and white at the same time which makes a mockery of the concept of race. Sorry white supremacists, race isn't real. Obama is a committed centrist, much to the consternation of the left and the right. He had the weird idea that if we all worked together, we could make America a better place. The Republicans have no interest in making everyone's lives better; they only care for themselves and their wealthy, corporate constituents. Republicans don't actually care about all the moral issues they profess to be concerned about. So many Republicans are closeted gays, child molesters, philanderers, sexual harassers and/or generally perverted. It is hard to imagine that so many people are so repressed, angry and bitter but they are. All these hateful people combine to make up the Republican Party. Even before the the inauguration, the republicans were plotting to get rid of president Obama and to keep any changes from occurring in America.

So here we are and everyone is voting after a long and miserable campaign season.  Perhaps those of us who want a more positive future will prevail. However, I have my doubts about positive winning over negative. I would have never imagined that white men were so fearful of women and minorities and change but they are, and have been scared since before our nation was a nation. What is to be done with those who are frightened by everything? It could be possible to reassure them, make them be safe but then the channel of gloom, doom and hate aka Fox News would have to be eliminated. Fox “news” has a mission to make people afraid, because when people are afraid they will believe anything no matter how ridiculous. So we have all the forces of wealth redistribution (scared people, corporations, bought politicians and religion) working to suck up all the money from normal people and give it to people who already have more money than they need. Vote for me. I'm Mitt Romney, bitch! And I approve your destruction.

I hope that when I wake up Wednesday that Obama is still the President. History has shown me that I may be disappointed.