There are some people who think unions need to go. They think unions are just troublemakers and they give workers too much power. That workers should not have right to collectively bargain for better pay, good work conditions and other benefits. They complain that non-union workers don’t have all the benefits that union workers have. They allege that business and governments required to pay their workers a living wage because of unions are unduely burdened. The free market should set the wages and normal workers don’t deserve so called “Cadillac” benefit packages. These people are wrong!
As a proud child of white collar and blue collar union workers, I know the only reason I was able to grow up in a nice home, wear nice clothes and live a good life is because my Mom belonged to the Communications Work of America (CWA). My mother had a good job and good benefits all negotiated through collective bargaining. My Grandmother was in the Postal Workers Union. My father belonged to the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA). I once belonged to the AFL-CIO when I worked as a bartender at Riverfront Stadium. I support unions and I support the workers of Wisconsin 100% and you should too!
Unions have given us safe working conditions, the end to child labor, the weekend, vacations, sick days, a higher standard of living, and the opportunity for many of us to lead better lives. Unionized workers were no longer indentured servants of their employers. Workers gained rights. Businesses still made lots of money and they still do. Now in 2011, Republicans politicians and their lapdog constituents want to take us back to a time where unions did not exist. The republican politicians know what they are doing; give tax breaks to the rich and balance the budgets on the backs of workers. The Republican flunkies, aka crazy people who vote against their interests and assist in the down fall of America, have been brainwashed to believe business owners know what’s best and that everything will be fine when the unions are gone. Without unions most of us would not be where we are today. A unionized workforce raised the wages of all sectors of employment. Unions have set norms and established practices that become more generalized throughout the economy, thereby improving pay and working conditions for the entire workforce. Since the decline of unions, wages (adjusted for inflation) have remained stagnant or decreased. Those who cheer for the demise of unions are fools. Businesses will take back all the benefits we have as workers because they will not have any reason to give them to us and we will not have any way to stop them. Unionized worker benefits are the reason that most non-union jobs have benefits.
I have no desire to live on the wages of a Chinese worker. I have no desire to work in the same conditions that Chinese workers do. Do you? Don’t think it could not happen here. Go to Wal-Mart and ask someone who works there what it’s like. And remember the same people who think getting rid of unions is a good thing are the same people who thought bank deregulation is a great idea and we saw how that worked out.
Support the workers of Wisconsin. Call or write Wisconsin government officials and tell them everyone should have the right to bargain collectively. Or better still, go to Wisconsin and join the protest.
The People United Will Never Be Defeated!
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