- First they came for the minorities and everyone was happy. They are lazy, on welfare, and a drain on decent society. They get what they deserve.
- Then they came for the gays and no one cared because they are an abomination against God.
- Then they came for the women and it didn’t matter because they should all be at home barefoot and pregnant. It’s a man’s world. They don’t really need equal rights or equal pay.
- Then they came for private sector unions but it didn’t matter because people in unions made too much money and their high wages were making the prices too high. They were trouble makers and needed to be stopped.
- Then they came for the manufacturing jobs and took them to other countries, telling us it will make things cheaper if they are not made in America.
- Then they came for the IT jobs and sent them off to India because it could be done cheaper there.
- Then they came for the High Tech manufacturing jobs and sent them off to Korea and other Asian countries.
- Then they came for Muslims, because they are all dangerous and their religion is invalid.
- Then they came for public sector unions and they stood up and fought for us all.
The workers of Wisconsin are fighting for their rights, their jobs, and the security of their families. Wisconsin’s Republican Governor Scott Walker has stated he is ready to call out the National Guard on workers if they make trouble. Does that sound like what's happening Bahrain or Iran? Is this the America we want to live in? Do we want to live in an authoritarian country where no one can speak out for their rights or come together in common cause?
Public sector employees in Wisconsin, Ohio and other states are facing the same fight to retain their collective bargaining rights. We all need to support their fight because they are our last best hope. If they lose, in the next 10 years all of us normal people will be working for low wages, if we’re lucky, and/or picking through garbage dumps in order to survive.
THERE IS NO SHARED SACRIFICE! The only ones who sacrifice are normal working people. The rich will get richer while the middle-class will get poorer and the poor will become beggars. Do not sit quietly and hope that they will not notice you. Stand up and support the workers of Wisconsin. If we don’t support them, who will be left to fight for you when they come for you.
People of Wisconsin, Fight the Power!
FINALLY! Somebody is standing up. I hope this will inspire other Americans to stand up and fight against these political lunatics. Fight the Power!