Friday, August 24, 2012

Pro-life or the “We Love You Only Before You Are Born” Movement

The so called “pro-life” movement is a crock. Most people who call themselves pro-life are only against abortion, feminism and woman having sex. Their primary concern is “innocent life” which by their definition only includes unborn babies; everyone else is fair game to kill. Life in general is not so important to the pro-life crowd because if it was they would not waste their time standing outside clinics harassing people.

Things Pro-Lifers do not care about:

  • Whether you and/or your partner want to have a child
  • How people will afford to feed, clothe and shelter their children
  • If you were impregnated by a rapist
  • Women in pregnancies that will kill them
  • Killing people who work in Abortion Clinics
  • Whether people can afford health care for their children
  • Executing people for crimes/death penalty
  • Killing people in war
  • Killing people outside the womb

Pro-lifers see no moral equivalency between abortion and other forms of killing and/or harming humans who are no longer in the womb. For people with this kind of bizarre thinking the key element is innocent life. This religious concept stems from the unproven idea of original sin as do so many other ridiculous ideas about life, people and society. I hate religion and I am beginning to despise all the über-religious zealots who believe the most outlandish things and worse want to impose their views, in the form of laws, on everyone. In a country which claims to maintain separation of church and state the religious beliefs of one group should not dictate laws; that would be a theocracy. While I do not agree with them I would not attempt to legislate against their beliefs; everyone can believe what they want that is a private matter not public policy.

The most important aspect of their position is women should be punished for having sex. According to Pro-Life Action League, they are against contraception “not only because it destroys the inherent meaning of the sexual act as a sign of permanent, life-giving love, but because of the disastrous consequences it has wrought on our society”. These ridiculous ideas have no basis in reality. What is the inherent meaning of sex? Whatever your answer, it is 100% your personal opinion and probably not shared by everyone else. How has having sex with contraception been a disaster for society? There are over 7 billion people on earth so contraception has not stopped us from reproducing. Nuclear weapons had a disastrous effect on the world but they aren’t against nukes.  Pro-lifers even say war is sometimes justified. Pro-lifers similarly reject the "life of the mother" exception because “Over four hundred physicians have declared that abortion is never necessary to save a mother's life; and even if it were, it is wrong to deliberately, directly kill one innocent person to save another.” They have conveniently compiled a list of 400 doctors who will let pregnant women die; these are doctors no one should consult for medical attention. As a person who almost died from a pregnancy gone wrong, I say fuck you; I wanted to live. If there are women who want to die because of pregnancy, they are crazy and like any other suicidal person needs psychological help.

Sex education is another problem for the Pro-life crowd: “So-called ‘comprehensive sex education’ programs teach children about and promote various practices such as premarital sex, oral sex, solitary and mutual masturbation and contraception—all under the guise of providing personal health information. Such programs pose serious dangers to impressionable young people. The decision to engage in sexual activity outside of marriage is extremely risky for many reasons, and it must never be condoned”. 

The point of education is to teach you information that you will use when you are an adult. If you are never taught about reproduction and sex when you are young, when and how will you learn this? A lot of people don’t really get any information about sex until they are adults. So many parents never talk about sex except to say don’t do it. Most people will have sex at some point in their lives even if they wait until they are married. Having sex is somewhat intuitive but all the other stuff regarding sexual health and sexuality is not. Not having sex except within marriage is one approach however it is not up to your parents, your neighbors or politicians to decide what you do with your own body as an adult.  This is a real problem for many people; they want to control their children’s lives forever (Good luck with that). These same people can’t control themselves so they have to make rules and laws to keep themselves in line. Most of us don’t need or want laws about what we can do with our bodies. 
The main problem with trying to control sexual activity is that it never, ever works. People will have sex regardless of the legal status of abortion, whether they have contraception or their marital status. People will have sex because that’s what we are meant to do and we need it. Food, clothing, shelter and sex are basic human needs; Sex is not optional.  Every time I hear some person say, “Well, just don’t have sex”, I cringe. Sex is a biological need, it is not meant just for procreation. If it was only for making babies, women would have a heat cycle like other animals and release pheromones that would cause arousal in men and this would be the only time humans would have sex. Moreover it would not be about “life-giving love” or any other kind of love it would be all about chemical reactions. But that’s not the case with humans, we are not like the other animals, we can have sex at anytime and with anyone and in many different ways. You can’t keep people from having sex and harboring such ideas is misguided and dangerous.   The best course of action is to inform and educate people about sexuality and sexual health including abuse, contraception, abortion, and diseases. Because if you don’t educate people you end up with a lot of people who develop wrong ideas about rape, pregnancy and sex in general. Freedom is having control over your own body.

If you don’t believe me about the positions pro-lifers take read it yourself at:

Remember to vote on or before Tuesday, November 6, 2012.

Ciao for now,

Follow Fobbise on Twitter and Facebook

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