There are millions of people with undiagnosed and/or untreated mental illnesses in America. They are in every walk of life, all races, all income groups. Because there are so many of these people with mental illness and people just accept them as highly individualistic they are many times leaders, business owners, media personalities and other people of power. Narcissist, psychopaths, paranoia, hearing voices, obsessive compulsive behavior, delusions, anxiety, mood disorders, hoarding, sleep-related problems and many forms of dementia, addiction, sexual disorders, physiological, mental and sexual abuse, and the list goes on and on. Most of us have some mental issues to varying degrees.
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Circumstances can push anyone over the edge. People sometimes lose it. It is not always obvious when people are crazy, yet we allow everyone that does not have a criminal record to buy as many guns and other weapons as they want. No limits, everyone needs an AK-47 or a Glock. Because if somehow we limited the purchase of high capacity guns we would take away the freedom of people to freak out and kill people. If you want to limit the number of military grade weapons or the high capacity magazines for weapons then you are a spoiler of the constitution says the gun nut. We are made to believe that the average citizen should have an arsenal at their disposal for dealing with potential troubles and to stay safe because criminals don't obey guns laws. So now we have virtually no gun laws. You can purchase weapons of all sorts, without so much as a question about why you need an AR-15 or a clip that holds 30-100 rounds? People can buy personal body armor, grenades, gas-masks, rocket launcher, ammo and much, much more; every thing someone needs to wage war on their friends, family, community or workplace. In addition to no limits on the purchase of guns we now have “stand your ground” laws that allow you to kill people if you allege you are feel frightened or endangered in someway.
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AR-15 |
So just to recap: We have a country full of crazy people, everyone can obtain and carry any type of weapon with little or no oversight and we now have laws that enable people to shoot others with little or no repercussions. No problems there; I'm sure nothing bad could happen with that mixture.
If you want to see the face of the next potential person to flip out, look in the mirror. Then look around your neighborhood or your workplace or the mall. The crazies with guns are everywhere just waiting for something to set them off. People do not need assault rifles. People do not need to stock-pile ammunition. If you feel that not being able to wage war on your community is a violation of your 2nd amendment right, you are very wrong. The only reason you need an arsenal is to kill people, not to hunt. The NRA has beat the drums of 2nd amendment rights for decades forcing law makers to change gun laws to the point were there are virtually no gun laws in some states and very few impediments to universal gun access in the rest. After Gabrielle Giffords was shot, Glock sales doubled. How sick we have become; a killing spree as advertisement for the gun industry. The slogan for the ad would be, Glock: rapidly and effectively demonstrated to kill in Arizona.
We need to regulate guns. America is a dangerous place and the more guns there are the more dangerous it becomes. Stop listening to the nonsense about how you are safer with a gun. Stop voting for crazy pro-gun nuts. Freedom is not contingent on everyone being armed to teeth. You are less free if you have to worry about killing sprees and random shootings all the time. If violence is the answer, what was the question?
Renounce violence - Advocate for Peace,
Wow! I just voiced the same thought. I had an experience Friday afternoon at Jungle Jim's over a parking space that could have ended badly if either the other driver or I had been carrying a gun. As it was, I did not have my gun so I did not pursue the issue and just parked somewhere else. If I had been carrying a gun, I would have shot the bitch because before applying reason to the situation, I felt like she needed shooting. Blessedly, I did not have a gun. My bad temper is why I stopped carrying a gun because I KNOW I HAVE ANGER MANAGEMENT ISSUES. However, so many of use do not recognize or acknowledge our mental health issues. While we try to get our mental health issues under control, we should dial back gun sales in this country.