Thursday, November 11, 2010

Why the “Baby Boomers” Annoy Me

Before I begin my rant, I have to tell you what brought it on. I read today the Obama appointed commission, has come out with it findings. Unsurprisingly, they recommend cutting Social Security and Medicare and raising the eligibility age for Social Security.  For me currently, 67 is the age that I can draw my full Social Security and that is really old as far as I am concerned.   Oh yeah, it’s not like it is really that much money, however if I wait until I’m 70 I will get a lot more.  Most people on this commission as in congress and running other private and public institutions are Baby Boomers. In fact, I think most of our problems are due to two groups (liberal and conservative) of Baby Boomers continuing to fight the battles of the 60’s and 70’s with each other and the rest of us are just cannon fodder for their battle.  They can’t leave the 20th Century and they are holding the rest of us back with them.

The Boomers must go!

I was born a few days before the beginning of 1966 which makes me apart of Generation X. Throughout my whole life, for various reasons which I will briefly detail, I have been annoyed, if not downright pissed, at the Baby Boom Generation. First, they came of age in the 1960’s and 1970’s, they wanted to change the world and make it a better place and they did to some extent.  However, they sold out, went corporate and started dismantling the fabric of the American Society through mergers and acquisitions in the 1980’s, by outsourcing jobs starting in the 1990’s and by starting endless wars and gambling with the stock market in 2000’s. Well, they did change things just not for the better.  

In the meantime, lots of Baby Boomers got rich or are just really well off, much better off than most people my age or younger. They enjoyed all the fruits that public and private enterprise has to offer, like college grants, traveling abroad, good jobs and buying inexpensive houses in nice neighborhoods.  After years of consuming lots and lots of drugs, they supported the war on drugs because they decided that drugs were wrong. The war on drugs is not a success. It costs Billions of dollars globally and the Drug Trade is a thriving Multi-Billion Dollar enterprise, while the social and finance cost of incarcerating people using  or selling small quantities of drugs continues to increase. The big time drug dealers and the bankers that launder the money never go to jail, so the War on drugs like the War on Terrorism will never be won.  Of course Baby Boomers still do drugs, they just don’t go to jail for it. 

Baby Boomers are the ones who have and are shipping our jobs overseas. They are also the ones who don’t want to pay any taxes or vote against school levies; after all, their children are either out of school or in private schools. The Boomers are now old and they have found their religion which probably accounts for the excessive religiosity in the United States; I guess they are just scared that they might meet their maker soon and need to get right with the lord. As they are now receiving Social Security, Medicare, generous pensions and /or 401Ks, they have voted in a bunch of yahoo’s that will take away Social Security, Medicare and the rest of the job from people my age or younger. Yes, many of the Tea Partiers are Baby Boomers but even those who are not are really that great. 

My life has been plagued by Baby Boomers and they fact that they are greedy and self-involved.  They wanted to be free but they turned out to be very authoritarian, just look at the republicans in the Congress. On the job, they are dictators and always run very opaque organizations. They make rules and don’t use them.  They talk about the degeneration of the media but they are in charge of the media.  They say they are open to new ideas but they can’t accept anything that is beyond their thinking. They have been in charge of our country for far too long. I really just want to be free of this generation of people but I am sure they will live a long time because unlike a lot of under the age of 50, they all have really good health care. They run the porn industry, the violent and stupid game industry and the banks. They are the ones running the country into the ground. They are the ones in Government, who have little imagination and an over inflated since of ego. And what is worse, is that they are the ones who are still fighting a pointless culture war that should have ended with the 1970’s and prosecuting several actual wars in the hopes of reviving the perception of American military superiority we had at the end of WWII.

 It is time for people of my Generation to step up and push aside the Baby Boomers and not get overshadowed by the Millennials. We may be the last best hope for the country or the world. What America needs is a new outlook and people who have lived with all the madness that the Baby Boomers have wrought. Generation X, stand up and let your voices be heard. Without you the crazy old people will continue to drive the country into the ground. Most Generation X’ers are better parents, have better values, are more in tune with new media and technology, are better managers and leaders, understand team work and have a more egalitarian nature than baby boomers.  Gen X’er need to start businesses, run for office, start Political Action Committees (PAC), and start a new political movement because I know we care.  We can no longer sit by and read the news; we need to make the news, the policy and the changes.  We cannot take sides in the 2-Party system anymore, we have to work together to save the future. The future is in our hands.

Ciao for Now,

1 comment:

  1. Some of your points are valid although they tend to contain some dangerous generalizations which might incite hatred and retaliation agains ALL "old people" instead of Baby Boomers who were born between and including 1946 and 1964. Baby Boomers are those citizen who to day are between 46 and 64 years old. Those of us born before that time, do not fall into that ugly designation of "baby boomer". I for one resent being mistaken for that group. They indeed made large inroads into changing the American landscape. Much of it was not for the better, sadly much of it was permanent. I am all for the superior thinking, all knowing Generation X making a change to our society, political structure, etc. It's time Gen X stood for something. I am however against wholesale down with "old people".
