Sunday, November 14, 2010

How to Save America – Part I

The question has been asked, what would I do to change things, if I was President or what would I have President Obama do? Well, here is my partial answer:

  • ·         By executive order, I would stop all foreclosures immediately.  I would institute a program to re-value all the homes in the United States to their 2001 value, and make the banks refinance any home, not just the homes in foreclosure to that level. Everyone would benefit, even the banks. Additionally, revaluing the price of housing would make it more affordable for people to buy houses and would simulate the housing market once again.
  • ·        I would start a public works program that would concentrate on creating energy efficient houses and apartments and creating a renewable energy in infrastructure. All houses/apartment buildings would get insulation, new windows, doors and solar panels that would power hot water heaters. This would create manufacturing jobs, boost sales of building materials, employ installers and all the associated administrative staff that is required to complete the task. No dwelling would be left untouched. This would save energy and decrease the amount CO2 we put in the air.
  • ·         I would create a national Broadband project. Everyone should be connected to high-speed internet by 2015. The cable would belong to the government which would be responsible for getting it to every home. There are too many areas in the United States that do not have high-speed internet access. Internet service providers would have to lease the rights to provide services over the national internet bandwidth.  We have to move forward on this front and waiting for business to do it is taking too long and most likely will never happen. More Jobs and everyone gets on an internet superhighway at a lower cost. If everyone is on the internet, it will spark innovations and more job creation.
  • ·         All postal vehicles except for the big trucks would be electric vehicles that are charged at solar charging stations. This would stimulate the automotive and related industries and create jobs. It would also create new manufacturing industries.
  • ·         I would start a program to build a new power grid throughout the nation. This grid would be powered by Alternative energy sources; wind, solar, tidal, geothermal and whatever else there is to come in the future.  It would employ people and lower energy costs, and everyone would be happier with lower energy costs. Too bad for the old time energy industry.
  • ·         I would start community farming programs to increase small farms and local food production. Factory farms are over. We need to eat more locally grow foods to have healthier lives.
  • ·         I would make state university tuition free. Students would have to pay for books, food and staying at residential halls. This would have to be heavily subsidized but it would be worth it in the future. Students could concentrate on their studies and not have work so hard just to afford the classes.  It’s the fastest way to get more doctors, more engineers, and scientists.  In return, students would have to take paid jobs in the city, county, state or federal government in some capacity for 5 years. That way the government would get the best and the brightest and some fresh blood.
  • ·         I would stop the wars immediately. No troops in Iraq. No troops in Afghanistan or Pakistan. No contractors either. Time to let the Muslims alone. They don’t want us there and we aren’t really helping ourselves. And the military need a reset; we have run our DoD soldiers and civilians into the ground. Additionally, we would save billions of dollars that we could use to make our country better.

Jobs, jobs, jobs, are what we need and renewable energy and manufacturing is how we get it. I will post more ideas for getting the country back in order at a later date.


  1. OK. Have you forwarded these ideas to your congressman and the White House? You have to give these suggestions to people who may be able to implement they.

  2. No I have not sent my ideas to the President.
