Saturday, December 24, 2011

What I Want For Christmas

Robert G. Ingersoll, noteable free-thinker who lived in the 19th century and was know as "The Great Agnostic". He was an outspoken advocate for human rights. In December 1897, he wrote "What I Want for Christmas". After reading this piece, I realized nothing has changed but the century. His words are still relevant today.

The following is from Robert Ingersoll’s “What I Want For Christmas” (1897)
If I had the power to produce exactly what I want for next Christmas, I would have all the kings and emperors resign and allow the people to govern themselves.
I would have all the nobility crop their titles and give their lands back to the people.
I would have the Pope throw away his tiara, take off his sacred vestments, and admit that he is not acting for God, is not infallible, and is just an ordinary Italian.
I would have all the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests and clergymen admit that they know nothing about theology, nothing about hell or heaven, nothing about the destiny of the human race, nothing about devils or ghosts, gods or angels. I would have them tell all their “flocks” to think for themselves, to be manly men and womanly women, and to do all in their power to increase the sum of human happiness.
I would have all the professors in colleges, all the teachers in schools of every kind, including those in Sunday schools, agree that they would teach only what they know and not palm off guesses as demonstrated truths.
I would like to see all the politicians changed to statesmen:
  • Men who long to make their country great and free
  • Men who care more for public good than private gain
  • Men who long to be of use
I would like to see all the editors of papers and magazines agree to print the truth and nothing but the truth, to avoid all slander and misrepresentation, and to let the private affairs of the people alone.
I would like to see drunkenness and prohibition both abolished.
I would like to see corporal punishment done away with in every home, in every school, in every asylum, reformatory, and prison. Cruelty hardens and degrades, kindness reforms and ennobles.
I would like to see millionaires unite and form a trust for the public good.
I would like to see a fair division of profits between capital and labor, so that the toiler could save enough to mingle a little June with the December of his life.
I would like to see an international court established in which to settle disputes between nations, so that armies could be disbanded and the great navies allowed to rust and rot in perfect peace.
I would like to see the whole world free — free from injustice, and free from superstition.
This will do for next Christmas. The following Christmas, I may want more

Let us all work to make Ingersolls Christmas wishes finally come true.

I wish everyone peace, love and happiness and a Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Not Surprising Racism of Ron Paul

The not accidental release of the old “Ron Paul Political Report” newsletters is the latest Republican candidate scandal. Most republicans do not like Ron Paul and he is rising in the polls. Due to his rise, his political adversaries are bring out the big guns. So they threw the racist card out with a vengeance and every one was shocked. Oh my! Who would have imagined?

My question is why would anyone be shocked? Ron Paul was born in Texas during the Jim Crow era. He espouses conservative religious views and lots of white churches taught/teach and believed black people were inferior to white people. Both he and his son Rand both have said they would not have voted for the Civil Rights Act. So in other words, he is a Texas redneck or more bluntly put a former Klan member or (White) Citizens Council member. By the way those are white supremacy groups.

A lot of young people like Ron Paul but they just want more personal liberties because they have grown up in an increasingly repressive America. However, Mr. Paul is still a racist and many young people are not as racist as older Americans. I am not saying all old people are racist but a lot of them are, so are some young people. A few days ago, I was talking to my partners mother, who is white and lives in Pennsylvania. She told me all her relatives are racist and they hate Obama because he is black. There is no other reason. She said she can't talk to any of them about politics she doesn't like their views. My partners mother is a woman of strong convictions and will not be swayed by bigots. Some people do not stand up to the racism of their family and friends. Don't be one of those people.

We need to call out racists for the destructive forces they are, shame and ignore their commentary and move America forward. I hope Ron Paul finally loses his appeal with his so called "loyal followers". They deserve better than Ron Paul and so does the country.

Read it for yourself. Here are a few pages of the newsletter.

 The Ron Paul Report - Page 1

 The Ron Paul Report - Page 2

 The Ron Paul Report - Page 3

 The Ron Paul Report - Page 4

 The Ron Paul Report - Page 5

The Ron Paul Report - Page 6

The Ron Paul Report - Page 7

The Ron Paul Report - Page 8

More Ron Paul Reports

Happy Holiday's,

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Change We Deserve: A Call to Action!

When I was a young girl, I thought I wanted to be president. As I grew older I figured out I couldn't be president and that there were a lot of things I couldn't actually be like a professional athlete; there wasn't really a lot of professional female athletics. I'm not saying I didn't do anything because I've been all over the world and held positions of power and influence but I did not reach as far as I should have. Don't worry I have not given up, I still have a couple of things I need to do.

The election of Barrack Obama should be one of the most inspirational things our nation has ever seen; it was to me and most people. The improbable happened: A non-white man became the president of the United States, the most powerful person on the earth. We as a nation overcame centuries of racism and the pain and destruction that come with it. As a nation we said we want change and we want it in a big way. Despite the fact that I did not vote for Obama (I voted for a third party candidate), I was proud that he won. It made me feel good and I like many other Americans understood what Michelle Obama meant when she said for the first time she feel good about America. I am not the type of person who keeps celebrity memorabilia or tries to stay up on celebrity activities but I have several keepsakes from the Obama inauguration. I have the Stars and stripes newspaper from that day. I have a commemorative tote bag and a key chain and I use them both. I like to see what the First Lady is wearing, also we both have gardening in common and want to promote healthy eating. I have never really cared what the President and First Lady did before but Barrack and Michelle Obama seem more real to me. And I am sure it must be the same for lots of people of all "races". People all over the world are counting on Obama to change things. My Hairdresser is from Ghana and she said to me after the election "I'm glad we finally have a president". We meaning black people. I have a Hispanic American friend who told me she never voted before because she "never felt anything for the people who ran for president before."

Everyone expected Obama to do things radically differently. But he didn't! This is precisely why so many people are disappointed in what has happen over the past three years.

To compound the problems Republican politicians and their operatives have totally lost their minds, so much so they would destroy our country to keep the President from doing anything positive for the people of America and the world. They were afraid of the changes he would have/should or made.

With so much positive energy for change, we should be speeding along on the change superhighway in a supercharged electric car. But instead we are keeping to the old well trodden path of the 20th century in a belching, creaking old AMC Gremlin right before it gets hit in the rear and blows up. Our leaders are advocating the same actions that got us to this place and except us to believe that this time something different will happen. We only need to believe, click our heals three times and say we're number one! Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is not just insanity, it is stupidity.

Millions are still out of work, millions have lost and will lose their homes. Children are going hungry along with their parents. Pointless wars are still going on and America's arm-chair warlords are always trying to find ways to justify starting more wars. The people in the streets are crying out for help because our nation cannot continue like this. But nothing happens, we cannot come together as a nation because of a few people who are scared and harbor out-dated prejudices. These people want to return to a time that never existed and to values we never had. The USA has been about change from the moment it was founded. Most people came to America to get a fresh start;to get away from the old, oppressive corrupt and rotting places in the world. We are not suppose to be stagnant. The past holds no fascination for us, we tear down old building and build new ones. We move from fad to fad without looking back. Americans are progressive people and it is time we remember that fact and stop listening to people who only want to hold us back.

Demand a better future for everyone. No more homeless people. No more hungry families. Everyone educated to help move the world forward. No more draconian laws that needlessly incarcerate people. No more violating our constitutional rights by constantly an needlessly searching and surveilling people.

All my life I thought America could be the best place in the world but they way to do things would have to change. If our government could loan the banks 7 Trillion dollars which is about half of our GDP, why cant we spend more to make our lives better? It would cost less and have a bigger effect on the world than giving more money to the banks. There is no nobility in suffering. Going hungry and worrying about how your going to pay the bills is not a badge of honor. Constantly worry about whether or not you will have a job does not make you stronger.

No one in the United States of America should suffer. We are the richest nation on earth but we do not have the least amount of suffering. The question that is never asked is why, Why aren't we the best country in the world to live in? Why aren't our citizens the best educated? Why doesn't everyone in America have their basic needs met? The answer is simple; we have let ourselves be brainwashed in accepting less than we deserve. We are in an abusive relationship and we need to get out of it. We are humans first and foremost. All humans have inalienable rights. Everyone is human and it does not matter what they have done or not done. We need to always remember that. We need to stop hurting each other and stop standing by while others hurt people. When we begin to see each other as equally human as ourselves, we will begin to treat each offensive to a stranger as an offense to you or your family. When this happens injustice will no longer to tolerated or accepted and that is when the world will change.

I call on our miracle President to lead us out of these dark times. But he did not make this miracle
alone and he can't fix the problems without our help. Demand Justice for all. Support your local
Occupation Movement in what ever form it might take. Call/Fax or Mail your State, Local and Federal
representatives and President Obama and:

Demand more money for primary and secondary education.
Demand Free Tuition at State run colleges and universities.
Demand more low cost housing and an end to homelessness.
Demand a government jobs creation program.
Demand medicare for all.
Demand Social Security remain intact or upgraded.
Demand a more transparent government.
Demand a demilitarization on our Local police forces.
Demand clean water, clean air and clean food.
Demand an end to corporate person-hood.
Demand an end to the off-shoring of American jobs.
Demand a new electrical grid and other infrastructure projects.
Demand an end to the PATRIOT Act and other laws that violate our constitution rights.
Demand an end to the "War on Drugs".
Demand an better environmental protections.
Demand an end to slave labor in producing the goods we use.
Demand equality for all people.
Demand justice for all people.
Demand whatever you think will improve America for the better.
Demand your rights as a human and an American!

Power to the People,

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